Internship Acceptance Form Intern ID* Note: Intern ID is mentioned in offer letter. Full Name* Select Domain* Select DomainAndroid DeveloperWeb DeveloperJava DeveloperFront-End DeveloperPython Developer Note: Only select the domain of offer received. Please Indicate Your Gender* —Please choose an option—MaleFemaleOther Email Address* Note: All tasks and updates will be communicated via ClickUp to the email address provided. Please ensure you enter a valid and active email ID to avoid missing important updates. Mobile Number* Alternate Mobile Number* Provide the Google Drive link of your signed offer letter* Provide the LinkedIn post link* Note: Post your offer letter on LinkedIn, indicating that you have started an Internship position at VirtuNexa. Share the link of that LinkedIn Post here. I accept this internship offer and agree to submit all my tasks and work within the mentioned time. I understand that by checking this box, I am agreeing to the terms and conditions mentioned in Schedule A & Schedule B.